Edina Early Learning Center 2025-2026 Catalog
View our selection of classes and more in our Edina Early Learning Center Catalog here.
How to Register for Early Learning Classes
Create an Account
For new families, you must have an Eleyo account for yourself, and a profile for your child/children you wish to register, before you can enroll in any of the Edina Early Learning Center programs. Click here to create your account and click on the blue "sign in" button in the top right-hand corner of the page to create your account.
For returning families, log into your Eleyo account and confirm all information is current and that all family members have a profile created.
Check Birthdate Guidelines
Select your classes based on your child’s age as of September 1 of the academic year you wish to register. For example, for the 2025-26 school year, use your child's age as of September 1, 2025. It is the Edina Public Schools policy to use September 1 to determine age eligibility.
ECFE Registration Process
School Year 2025-2026 Registration opens
January 21 for Edina resident
January 28 for our neighbors
Preschool (Non-ECFE) Contract Request/Acceptance Process
Contracts must be requested each subsequent school year.
Families will be given a two-week window to request a contract.
Contracts will be assigned a priority level, based on their qualifications. Contract priority will be given if the parent/guardian has submitted a contract request during the established contract request window.
Contracts will be accepted in order of priority.
Contracts will be accepted on a space-available basis. If more contracts are requested than available in a specific program, a random computerized lottery, with no preference for contract request date, will be held.
Contracts are accepted by family/account. Once one student in a family has their contract accepted, all students in that family will also be accepted into the program.
Contracts not approved will automatically be kept on a waiting list for consideration as space in the program becomes available.
Contracts requested after the contract request window will be added to the bottom of the waitlist, regardless of priority qualifications.
Contract Request Window
Contract requests must be submitted during the established two-week window in order to receive priority acceptance.
School Year 2025-26
Contract request window: January 21, 8:00 am - February 3, 11:59 pm
Contract acceptance/waitlist notification to be sent out via email by the week of February 24.
Priority Levels
A predetermined number of slots will be held in each class for the following:
Early Childhood Special Education students per legislative guidance.
Students receiving fee assistance, including Pathway I, Pathway II, and School Readiness. For Pathway II and School Readiness, Edina residents within Edina Public School boundaries are eligible to apply. More information available here.
Priority One: Students of district employees.
Priority Two: Siblings of students with accepted contracts.
Priority Three: Edina residents within Edina Public School boundaries.
Priority Four: All other students.
Required Forms
These forms are due in the Early Learning Center before your child attends class: