Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE)
Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE) is an Edina Public Schools program that provides intervention to young children, from birth to kindergarten, who show developmental delay in the general areas of speech and language, large and fine motor skills, social and emotional behavior, cognitive and/or adaptive skills, or have vision or hearing losses.
Monday - Friday, 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Phone: 952-848-4232 Fax: 952-848-4236
To report an absence, call 952-848-4236.
To cancel busing for an absence, call Transportation Services at 952-848-4979.
Frequently Asked Questions
- I have concerns about my child’s development. Where can I turn?
- What if my child qualifies for special services?
- What is parent involvement for ECSE?
- How does ESCE staff support children and families?
I have concerns about my child’s development. Where can I turn?
What if my child qualifies for special services?
What is parent involvement for ECSE?
How does ESCE staff support children and families?
Contact Us
Kim Isley
Early Learning Center Assistant Director
Important Note
For referrals and general information, please call 952-848-4232.