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circle time

We are excited and grateful you chose to spend some time learning about our fantastic school. At the ELC, we are invested in you and your child and are committed to your child’s first steps as part of the Edina Public School System.

Baby & Toddlers:

Early Childhood Family Education classes help you develop a new appreciation of the world from your child's perspective, a growing support network of parents on a shared journey, and a shared sense of purpose as you connect with others who want to make a difference and build community.

Two-Year Olds:

We're here to help you get your child off to a great start! You are your child's first and most important teacher. We help you enjoy this time together, and give you the tools you need to parent with confidence.

Three to Five-Year Olds:

Our preschool program for 3-5 year olds help young learners develop their emergent literacy and math skills through a play-based learning model. Since preschool is also a time when children begin to develop friendships, we also provide opportunities to help them develop healthy social skills and learn to advocate appropriately for their needs.

Parent Education:

Parent Education's goal is to enhance the ability of all parents and caregivers to provide the best possible environment for their child's learning and growth. It is a place where all families have people who will walk beside them on their parenting journey.

Developmental Screening:

Early Childhood Screening is a quick and easy way to check in on your child’s health and development and connect them to amazing early childhood programming before they begin kindergarten.

Special Education:

Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE) is an Edina Public Schools program that provides intervention to young children, from birth to kindergarten, who show developmental delay in the general areas of speech and language, large and fine motor skills, social and emotional behavior, cognitive and/or adaptive skills, or have vision or hearing losses.

circle with dad
Affeys daughter
Baby class